Dr Renee Botham AFBPsSCounselling Psychologist & Psychotherapist
DCPsych, HCPC, UKCP accred. Clinical Supervisor



Life can feel so uncertain 

When your life feels difficult then hope for any change can seem like a far off dream.

Your inner belief may be that ‘people let you down’, human connectedness can feel hard, but it is what we as human beings are ‘wired’ to do.

It may be that people-pleasing or keeping others at a distance has felt the only way to live your life, the trouble is it also makes knowing what you want in life hard, and lonely. I believe psychotherapy is an enabler for change. However, it requires two people, relating, trusting and respecting one other; psychotherapy is about testing out a different kind of human connection.

You may be thinking “I have been in therapy before and it didn’t work!” Or, this is your first time and you’re wondering “can I be ‘fixed’?”

Hope and warmth of human connection

I believe this need for certainty is what many of my clients are searching for. I can’t give you this however, we are in this relationship together. It is a relationship where we talk about your feelings, thoughts, and actions; where rather than remaining disconnected from your emotions you can make sense of where they may have come from, and how they continue to influence you in the present.

Therapy isn’t about ‘all will be beautiful in your world’, that’s the fantasy. The reality is living your life with all its ups and the downs, of being resilient and finding pleasure, of relating better to yourself and others.

So we return full circle to hope leading to a connection with who you are and what you want from life, not what others want for you. Of finding ways that allows you to live your life in a more positive way.

Therapy is a journey, I hope you can travel along its path to arrive at a more peaceful destination


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