Dr Renee Botham AFBPsSCounselling Psychologist & Psychotherapist
DCPsych, HCPC, UKCP accred. Clinical Supervisor


Working Together

Working together is at the heart of psychotherapy. For me this is about listening to you, learning about what you think and feel; learning about your life, both ‘back then’ and now. I am interested in and want to understand how you see yourself and how you interact with others. I listen with no pre-judgements but with an honest and sincere wish to enable you to find a better way of living your life.

As a qualified psychotherapist specialising in eating disorders and having worked with a range of psychological challenges for many years I believe that moving away from your illness is possible.

I view the therapeutic work as one that opens your world to new possibilities. It is about achieving a stronger sense of who you are, of being more resilient, knowing what you want from life and new ways of understanding your relational experiences.

Therapy offers you a time and place that belongs solely to you. Whatever your ‘symptoms’ you are unique through your own life-history. The most important factor for change sits in our relationship. It is a place for you to test out new ways of being and relating that do not have to replicate the past; where trust, respect and being seen and heard can be experienced. I hope that we can work together.

Making contact

If you think I can support you or someone who is close to you please email me for an initial confidential discussion.


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