Dr Renee Botham AFBPsSCounselling Psychologist & Psychotherapist
DCPsych, HCPC, UKCP accred. Clinical Supervisor


Working through traumas that have shaped my life

"I recently finished my final session with Renée after 5 years together. I found her in desperation to break free from an eating disorder whilst struggling to see a way out.

She quickly taught me that an eating disorder goes far deeper than food and body image and together, we worked through traumas that have shaped my adult life.

Throughout our time together Renée always believed in me and her support got me through some very difficult times. I've gone from having no self-esteem to feeling confident and assured in who I am. Therapy saved my life and I'm forever grateful that Renée showed me how good life can be." 

Peace of Mind

"I put off seeking help for my eating disorder, depression and emotional struggles for decades believing I could resolve these issues myself. My emotional baggage was heavy, out of date, full of shame and confused. Fast forward and very little had changed, I couldn’t move forward, and it dawned on me that this would be my ‘real’ life story if I didn’t do something about it.

Last year I finally wrote my email to Renée and my life changed. Today I understand my past and very happily I no longer live there. I’ve found peace of mind and acceptance and my mantra is ‘self-care’. My weight is now stable and healthy and my outlook is bright. My advice to anyone would be to seek help now. My thanks to Renée is heartfelt."

Addiction Recovery

"Therapy sessions with Renée were a real lifeline for me during a time when I was struggling with several addictions. I was lonely, confused, desperate for change but living within such a dark cloud that I could not see one simple fact – how unhappy I was. The work we did together to explore the causes of this unhappiness has been incredibly rewarding. Now as an addict in recovery I’m living a happier, peaceful and more fulfilled life which is built firmly on the strong foundations Renée helped me to build. I have developed invaluable insight about myself, my behaviours and most importantly, my thinking, to enable a new way of processing and framing life’s challenges which help me continue to live in the present and not the past."

Why an eating disorder, I had nothing to complain about, no childhood trauma...?

"When I came to Renée, I'd been struggling with disordered eating (predominantly binge-eating disorder) for around 7 years and had seen multiple counsellors who hadn't provided much help. I was convinced that my only problem was a food addiction and that my life was pretty great. Nothing to complain about, no childhood trauma, I just needed to break the binge cycle.

How little I was to know, that a few months in with Renée and we'd rarely even talked about food. She quickly taught me that food had never been the core problem, and in fact I'd been in deep denial about my own anxiety and lack of self-worth.

I had never believed it possible to fully recover from an eating disorder. I'd heard people say that it lives with you forever, but I'm so thankful to know that that isn't true. I'm so grateful to have met Renée at the time that I did, and forever grateful to be able to live life how I live it now, with so much more freedom, self-confidence and resilience".

Freedom from the dark clouds

"When I realised that I might need a helping hand when it came to recovering from an eating disorder, I was lucky enough to come across Renée's practice. She has changed my life in so many ways that I wouldn't know where to start, but one of the amazing things that I have gained from my therapy sessions with Renée is freedom. Everyday I am amazed by what I can do without those anxious/ED thoughts creeping in, and feel that dark cloud drifting further and further away. This is thanks to Renée creating a safe space where I felt both supported and challenged, and where I have been given valuable pieces of advice that have improved my relationship with myself, food/exercise and essentially my entire life immeasurably. I cannot thank her enough"

Finding who I am and how to be happy

"I had struggled with an eating disorder, anxiety and depression for years and when my marriage then fell apart, I was faced with the hardest time of my life. Renée supported and guided me through the darkness with infinite patience and understanding, and helped me to get to a place where I could see a light at the end of the tunnel, and finally start to understand who I am, what I want and how to be happy again. I'm so grateful to her for that". 

Leaving quick fixes behind

"I distinctly remember the day I spoke to Renée and begged her to help me. I was desperate and miserable after 27 years of struggling with an eating disorder. I remember Renée reassuring me that she would help and there was a way out. This was the start of a very long journey on the road to recovery.

There were no quick fixes but as she took the time to get to know me, she helped me realise my self-worth, which made recovery a possibility. She helped me to discover myself again and I finally felt like I was worth saving.

Now I have built the tools I need to move forward as a stronger more confident person. Renée has the skills to help you discover the authentic you so you have the power to deal with life and the challenges you may face without the eating disorder. I will forever be grateful for her kindness and patience. She has helped me to change my life forever."

Outwardly confident but inwardly sinking

"I came to Renée with low self-esteem that had plagued me since a child. Outwardly confident but inwardly sinking, I doubted myself in most situations, relationships, friendships and at work. Working with Renée, she helped me establish how this low self-worth has been formed, how as an adult I had filled my life so full and pushed myself so hard to achieve, but I still wasn't getting what I needed. Through talking she helped me realise that I am worthy and that by opening up, I can gain trust from not just my family but friends as well. Renée is the first person in my life that I have been able to speak honestly without fear of reprieve. She is fabulous! I am happier, more relaxed and feel more confident in myself without doubting my value in the room.
Thank you so much Renée"

Talking about my life helped untangle my thoughts

"When I started working with Renée I didn't realise how lost I was and how much I needed help. Looking back now I see how much my life has changed, how differently I view myself, the world, and my relationships. Renée helped me become curious about how I thought about myself, and in relation to others. I came to therapy anxious, timid and confused about who I was and why I was so unhappy. I was tired of the rules I had created for myself in my eating disorder. Though at first I was unsure about therapy, within a few months I started to see how talking about my life was helping untangle my thoughts, so I began to understand my mind and myself. Renée would pick out important things I would mention in passing, question this and help me understand the roots of my thinking.
After two years of therapy, I have never been happier in my life; I like myself, trust myself and know myself more than ever before. I would not have been able to do this without Renée's help. Working with Renée has been one of the best decisions of my life and I am eternally grateful." 

On paper my life should have felt great

"On paper my life should have felt great, fulfilling and happy! I felt lost, shameful and desperate, out of control. I thought I had the tools and knowledge to help myself but I never quite managed to change things and felt that I was just weak willed and pathetic.

When I found Renée I just knew that she was 'the one' and genuinely understood my struggles and wanted to help me to understand  that my depression and disordered eating were a symptom of a deep routed lack of early emotional development, which repeatedly played havoc in my adult life. Renée helped me to find a way to bring the things that were difficult to the surface and was with me every step of the way.

Initially I held back and just wanted to be 'sorted' quickly and I questioned therapy (as I had EVERY time over the past 30 years). I thought I was 'doing it wrong' and being lazy.

Fast forward to today, I am the most confident and content I have ever been within myself. I can have food in the house and control myself, I can look in the mirror and not hate myself. I am forever grateful that I found Renée and although I miss our regular meetings and still have struggles occasionally, I know I am good enough and strong enough to get through whatever comes my way. Thank you so much Renée."

Finding the tools that were right for me

"Six months ago I finished after six years with Renée. I hadn't expected that therapy would have lasted so long when I first got in touch about what I needed help with, However, my life has been positively and permanently changed through our relationship.

I started therapy in quite a desperate place, the 'work' changed and evolved over the years until I had built a strong foundation and had the tools I needed to continue on my own. I am no longer in the dark hole I was in back then and I am extremely thankful for Renée being there in the dark with me and helping me find my way out. Today, I better understand myself, I relate better with others, I am more resilient and I live my life in a much more positive way. Thank you Renée."



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